Fungal Toenails
Fungal infections are inherently strong and resilient. This unsightly and uncomfortable condition is very common! The earlier it is treated the quicker and more successful treatment is. Our latest technology laser can directly target infected areas without the risks or side effects of oral medications.

The most common cause of yellow, thick, or deformed toenails is a fungal infection, often the same fungus responsible for athlete's foot. This infection progresses slowly, gradually causing increasing damage to the nail.
1. Leave the nail as it is.
2. Basic Podiatry Care
Podiatrists specialize in managing untreated fungal infections, using specialized drills to reduce thickened nails and improve their appearance.
3. Creams, Liquids, and Ointments
Topical medications such as Terbinafine 1%, Loceryl, Canestan, and Daktarin can be obtained through a podiatrist, GP, or pharmacist. Home remedies include peroxide and tea tree oil.
4. Oral Treatment
The most common oral tablet for nail fungus is terbinafine (Lamisil), typically taken for 3-6 months or longer. Terbinafine can have many side effects, including liver damage, necessitating regular blood tests to monitor liver function.
5. Surgical Intervention
Surgical removal of the nail can cause further damage, and the fungal infection often persists, re-infecting the new nail as it grows.
6. Laser Treatment
The latest technology for combating nail fungal infections is medical laser treatment. At Practical Podiatry, we specialize in this treatment, which is increasingly preferred by medical professionals for various skin and nail disorders.